I’m tired – but you already knew that. Even more annoying however, is the weepiness. I feel like I’m the baby here: needy, clingy, and constantly on the brink of tears. “Stop it”, “get a grip” I tell myself time and again, “You’ve got every damn reason to be happy”. But it doesn’t help. I want to crawl into P’s arms, away from the big, bad world. Like a toddler, I’m hanging onto his sleeve in the morning, begging him not to go to work yet. Of course, all books and websites once again tell me this is “normal”, and nothing to be worried about. It’s the hormones. And that’s it. Really helpful.
Also very helpful, is the whole what I’d like to call “pink cloud charade”. Ask anyone who’s pregnant how she feels, and you will get “oh, fine” or even “great” as an answer; even if at that moment she can’t take a seat because of the hemorrhoids. So if I, in all my honesty, blurt out “well, okay, but really tired” – I already get surprised looks.
So if you’ve never been pregnant (or had a partner who is/was), you’re bound to think it’s a walk in the park. Then you get pregnant, and your body is starting to act totally out of control. ( the only thing you knew about - the vomiting - is actually not happening). You take a look in “What to expect when you’re expecting” and you find out that it’s all completely normal.
Sometimes however, it seems I’m not the only one falling of the pink cloud. Picture this: Saturday evening, a party for 16 people at our place. One of my friends is also pregnant, just 4 weeks ahead of me. Another girl, talking to the two of us : “But look at you two, you’re both looking great! You’re not far from your due-date, and you’re really in great shape”. Answer of my friend (said with a very big smile): “Oh no, we’re just pasting smiles on our faces. Actually, we’re really suffering right now, and we’re dead-tired”. I could’ve hugged and kissed her at that very moment. Finally, I didn’t feel like the weird, ugly duckling in the pond anymore.
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